Farrington Specialty Centers is a refuge for individuals of all genders, colors, beliefs, and bodies who are battling eating disorders, compulsive exercise, and body image concerns. Our specialized care includes treatment for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, other specified feeding and eating disorder, and disordered eating.
Farrington Specialty Centers believes relationships to be paramount to the recovery journey. We are here to truly see those we walk alongside and to heal both the eating disorder as well as co-occurring concerns.

A Creative Approach to Eating Disorder Therapy
At Farrington Specialty Centers, we utilize eclectic, experiential, and evidence-based modalities to establish individualized treatment plans. This approach includes the use of dance, visual art, and yoga. By using multiple modalities, we are able to meet individuals where they are and reach all aspects of the individual’s potential for healing.
Research indicates that recovery rates improve when individuals receive the appropriate level of care followed by a slow, progressive step down through the levels of treatment. Farrington Specialty Centers offer multiple levels of care to build a foundation for true healing.
Farrington Specialty Centers Services
Eating Disorder Assessment
The first step in the healing journey is to obtain a comprehensive initial assessment to determine a personalized treatment plan to meet the needs of the individual. Take the first step and contact admissions to schedule an assessment.
Outpatient Treatment
We offer outpatient therapy and nutrition counseling for individuals of all ages and genders. Farrington Specialty Center’s therapists and dietitians offer individual, family, and group sessions. The frequency of outpatient sessions is determined by individual needs. Please contact us for more information.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
Our Intensive Outpatient Program is designed for individuals who are medically stable and have the ability to function independently while still requiring more intensive treatment to promote eating disorder recovery. IOP is appropriate both for those stepping down from a higher level of care as well as those needing more intensive treatment.
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
Our PHP, also known as day treatment, is our most intensive level of care for those individuals who are medically stable and not requiring 24-hour care. It is designed for those requiring extensive treatment to break maladaptive patterns and lay the groundwork for lasting freedom while residing at home. This program, called Neossia, offers individuals the opportunity to step down from a higher level of care while maintaining ongoing support as well as providing those needing increased structure to make much-needed changes in recovery.
Art Therapy
Creative exploration of emotions and experiences with art therapy can be a great addition to the healing process. Art therapy can be used by a trained clinician to explore inner thought processes using a variety of art mediums. At Farrington we integrate art therapy into our higher levels of care, Partial Hospitalization Program or Intensive Outpatient Program, as well as having outpatient individual and group therapy opportunities available.
If you are interested in an outpatient art therapy group for eating disorders you can apply to attend here:
Fees & Insurance
We work with your insurance for our day treatment programs. As part of the assessment process we will complete a complementary benefits verification for you.
Our outpatient services are typically cash pay with the exception of a few insurances.
We aim to remove as many barriers as possible to receiving specialized care including financial ones. Contact us today to learn more.

Who Farrington Specialty Centers Serves
For you
Do you ever…
Engage in behaviors in an attempt to manage your weight or change your body, such as dieting?
Feel out of control with your eating?
Engage in behaviors to make up for or get rid of what you have eaten?
Feel obligated to exercise or feel guilty if you do not exercise?
Feel like thoughts of food/weight/body image have a significant impact on your life?
If so, you are not alone. Contact admissions, we’re here to help!
Family and Loved Ones
Eating disorders are devastating to those suffering, as well as all who love them. For an individual to truly recover, a family needs to change, grow, and heal together. At Farrington Specialty Centers, we understand the fundamental role a “family” plays in a client’s eating disorder recovery process. Whether it’s parents, siblings, children, friends, colleagues, or any other member of the client’s support network, all are encouraged to be involved in the journey to healing.
Each level of care at Farrington Specialty Centers offers extensive family involvement. When appropriate, our therapists, dietitians, and medical team work alongside family and loved ones by providing open and ongoing communication, education and support.
Educators and Coaches
Eating disorders are highly prevalent in schools, athletics, and the arts. Eighty-six percent of people with eating disorders report onset by age twenty. The statistics are alarming and speak to the importance of students gaining education and awareness of these dangerous disorders.
At Farrington Specialty Centers, we are committed to the education of young people. We collaborate with educators and coaches to promote increased understanding of eating disorders and related concerns by speaking to health classes, educator conferences, parent organizations, etc. Topics discussed include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, and other disordered eating presentations.
As front-line advocates, educators and coaches are essential in helping to identify eating disorders warning signs which facilitate early interventions.

I’m seeking eating disorder care for myself, what is my first step?
Congratulations on taking this step! At Farrington Specialty Centers, we will walk alongside you on your healing journey. The first step is to obtain an initial eating disorder assessment to determine your personalized treatment and therapy plan.
How can I help a family member or loved one that is suffering from an eating disorder?
At Farrington Specialty Centers, we understand the fundamental role a “family” plays in a client’s recovery process. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, friend, coach, colleague, or any other member of the client’s support network, all are encouraged to be involved in treatment. If you are considering treatment for someone you love, please make the call. There is hope. Eating disorders are devastating to those suffering, as well as all who love them. We invite you to join us for our free bi-monthly family and loved ones support group. To view upcoming virtual support groups, please view our calendar for more information.
How do I know if myself or someone I love has an eating disorder?
Individuals battling eating disorders, compulsive exercise, and body image concerns may deny the severity and not see their behaviors as a concern. Here are signs that indicate someone may be struggling:
- Dramatic changes in weight or lack of growth in children and adolescents
- Complaints of abdominal pain, feeling full, or “bloated”
- Loss of menses in females or decreased testosterone in males
- Dizziness
- Thinning of hair
- Fatigue
- Sleep disturbances
- Increased injury in athletes
- Rigid thinking around food, weight, and exercise
- Drastic changes in eating patterns
- Eliminating foods in the name of health promotion
- ”Picky” eating, avoiding certain foods or showing aversion to types of foods
- Disappearance after eating
- Binge eating or feeling out of control with eating
- Compulsive exercise patterns
- Body image complaints or reports of “feeling fat”
- Changes in personality such as mood swings, depression, and irritability